Posts Tagged ‘supra 128’
Announcing Supra 128 BBS v4.6.1
Supra 128 v4.6.1 Telnet mods and Y2K fixes By Keith Hall of The Fone Company BBS telnet: Supra 128 BBS v4.6.1 is now available for immediate download. You may download it from the web site at / or the merge/patch files from The Fone Company BBS ( from the Supra 128 downloads…
Read MoreThe secret formula to getting Supra 128 online
I will admit I dove into the Telnet BBS scene head-first anxiously wanting to get a BBS back up. But I didn’t thoroughly investigate everything I needed. There is a previous post on that so I won’t repeat it. What this post is about is the connectors between the PC and the Commodore. As it…
Read MoreThe Fone Company will be back… in March
After running solidly for a full day around 11PM Tuesday night Supra decided it would go tits up and throw “RS-232 framing error, check baud rate” errors which made the software think a user had disconnected before hitting the graphic detection prompt. After futzing around with it for about an hour I gave up and…
Read MoreJim Brain’s telnet cable, downgrading to Supra 4.5
So I upgraded the site to Supra 4.6 thanks to WD Stewart sharing the code with me. It’s super solid and has some amazing features I am dying to try out but there is a problem: all of those Swiftlink enhancements conflict with BBS Telnet Server. I spent a good portion of my weekend trying…
Read MoreSupra 128
So, I decided to switch the BBS software from Color 64 to Supra 128. Why? Well, that’s a long story. But this is a blog and not a message on the BBS so I’m happy to explain. Why leave Color 64? It’s a great BBS and getting into it for a few weeks reminded me…
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