Not Dead! (2020 1st Edition)

Hey there and Happy New Year! (a month and a half too late). Been busy with things and stuff (life and work). On the Color 64 side we will soon be shelving all of our hard work and starting over from scratch. You read that right, from a plain-Jane version of Color 64 Version 7.37.…

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Coming soon…

The infamous TFC message editor. Once I get it working with the stock system. And fix the spacing with /b. Maybe change it to /f. Or /* because it’s fabulous.

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TFC returns on Color 64 BBS!

A few weeks ago I picked up a Commodore 64 from a local guy. I was planning on putting up another BBS with it. After I opened it I saw that the 64 kernel was soldered on, not socketed. And not being that great with a soldering iron I took it to a guy to…

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Supra 128

So, I decided to switch the BBS software from Color 64 to Supra 128. Why? Well, that’s a long story. But this is a blog and not a message on the BBS so I’m happy to explain. Why leave Color 64? It’s a great BBS and getting into it for a few weeks reminded me…

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Getting to Work on TFC v4n+: Planning to plan

I am deeming this project “TFC v4n+” for the following reasons: This is really the 4th full iteration of The Fone Company, the previous being: Version 1: 1988-1989 (learning it) Version 2: 1989-1991 (I actually have a disc labeled “TFC ][” (that’s how we spelt it then because we re radical, dude.) which was also…

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Where to start?

The eternal question when embarking on a new quest: where to start? I personally wanted to resurrect one of my old BBS programs. Fearing that some of these 30 year-old disks’ protective film would soon be wearing off I set out to preserve them which was not a minor nor inexpensive task. First I needed…

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